Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hurt my knee and made a new plan

I slammed my knee in the door... yep, the back door to my house. I stood there today and I can't figure out how to reproduce that! I guess I really wanted that door closed fast.
I'm all recovered now. I sprained my MCL and went into the doctor. The practitioner came in after looking at my knee caps and was about to give me the bad news.  I stopped her and said, "It's ok. I've been hearing this since I was 18."  

Basically, I have severe arthritis under my knee caps. The rest of my knee, which used to have some tears, etc.  is all healed up. That's great news. It turns out that they now have a surgery where they can replace only my knee caps. We talked about the reasons that would push me toward getting replacements.

1. I can't sleep at night.  I sleep great (except my shoulder... hmm.  Not related but I should work on that.)
2. I'm taking Oxycodone for the pain every day. Nope, just motrin. Ooh, better got take that...
3. I can't live with the lifestyle retrictions caused by my disability. 

Ok. well, this one is tougher. The short answer is yes, I can live this way. The reality is I've lived this way since I was 18. I'm not ready for knee replacements and I'm not sure I ever will be. As long as I can keep moving, I'm good. The key is that I keep moving so that I can keep moving in the long run.

The doctor said I could run, if I needed it to feel a fulfilled life. Well, no. 

Here's my plan. I intend to keep up on trying to exercise at lease 1 mile of walking per day or .25 miles of swimming. If I make it to 356 I will be super happy. ( 365 - 8 days for injury )

This inertia has gotten me into the pool. I like the ability to walk out my door and run. But, I find I like my time in the pool a lot too. I am going to both walk and swim. 

Here are the stats so far this year:

1/11-1/28 ( I had to take a week off because of my knee.)
Walking = 1.35 miles
Swimming = 2.05 miles x 4
Total = 9.5 miles
Total for 2014 = 19.5 as of 1/28.  336.5 to go and 337 days. I can do it!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day one - low carb

Well, I didn't fully commit until after breakfast. I had a frozen burrito. I'm going to have to find something different for breakfast. Eggs tomorrow for sure. I have some farm fresh ones. 

After that I did great! I had a wedge salad for lunch instead of pan cakes (didn't have eggs yet.) 

Then for dinner I skipped the pasta and had chicken caccitore for dinner. I did eat one tater tot off the kids plate and one m&m. 

Overall pretty good. 

I hurt my knee really badly and it has swollen up like a grapefruit. I guess I'll have to skip the treadmill for a while. So!!!! I got in the pool and swam for 45 min. I'm pretty proud of that. I'm sore though. I think I'm going to have to cool it for a little while and recover. 

Mileage count = 10 miles  
7.75 walking plus 2.25 swimming = 10

So for January 11, I need one more mile. 

Low Carb and a Mile per Day

Ok. The time has come to start my journey once again. Here us my official plan:

1. Low Carb - not no carb, low carb. I am gong to stay away from pasta, bread, tortillas, and potatoes. 
2. I am going to let myself have Lego. I just like them too much. 
3. No sugar! This needs it's Home
Item, because it is a tough one for me.

I'm going to try to park my every day 2014! If I walked 2 miles Monday and no miles the next day that caps. So really it's three and 65 miles this year. Can do it. But also decided that swimming 20 minutes equal 1 mile of walking.

My mom is starting this with me, Mr. but I would triangle low-carb too. If she can do it I can do it.

Friday, January 3, 2014

My homework for this week: Triggers

Here is a brain dump of my triggers:

1. Emotional stress - family health problems, emergencies, the big stuff
2. Parties - From little get togethers with a single set of friends to big bashes. For all of them I throw caution to the wind.
3. Once I start down the dark path... it dominates my destiny for a long time. It is a lot easier for me to let it all go than it is to get started

Food triggers:

1. Candy/Sugar
2. Parties
3. Baked goods
4. French Fries
5. Pasta

I'll keep adding as I think of more.

Friday, December 27, 2013

We have been talking about creating a journal to write down our thoughts and help us get back on track. Instead of a cute notebook, my sister has dragged me on-line to create this blog post.  And like everything else, I think this is going to be a really good thing. We are going to create some homework for ourselves every week and start working on getting our minds focused in the right direction first.

The first homework is to answer the following two questions:
Why am I even dieting? Why do I want to change?
  1. I want to be health and live a long life. 
  2. I want to be around long enough to really know my grandkids. 
  3. I want to be able to continue to be able to move around on this planet with my own two feet. I want to slow-down/stop the continued restriction of my available activities. 
  4. I want to be able to sit on the floor and be able to get up off the ground. 
  5. I want to pass on a new legacy to my kids. I hope that if I can change my lifestyle, then the journey will be easier for them.
  6. I want to fit into my wedding dress again.
  7. I don't want to buy a new pair of jeans in the next size up.
  8. I want to be able to find my hip bones.
  9. I don't want to continue to make a series of small bad choices that lead to disappointment.
  10. I want to feel good, like I do when I exercise.
  11. I want to be proud of my accomplishments. 
  12. I don't want to look back and wish that I had done something about this.
  13. I want to stop the slow gradual incline.

I'm ready. Today, right now, we start again.